Monday, 7 September 2020

Beaver Plugin 1.2.2

This is a small fix to the Beaver plugin that fixes the issue of beaver shape values resetting to 0 when loading a character card in the character maker.

Download for HS2

Download for AI Girl

Also, here are a couple cute baby beavers:

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Beaver plugin 1.2 - Customizable beaver

The Beaver plugin has a new feature; Beaver Shapes!  Modify and save any blend shapes that are part of an uncensor in the character maker. The plugin comes with one new uncensor, the Puffy Beaver, adapted from the SAC.puffy1 uncensor with a blend shape that lets you adjust the puffiness.

You may be concerned that the customised uncensor will clip through clothes, but don't worry this is the Beaver Plugin. Beaver can be configured to hide the custom shapes when clothes are worn, the same way it hides accessories. 

There's also support for adjusting shapes in the studio.

The included Puffy Beaver uncensor is pretty basic (though I think it's cute), since I'm only a novice 3D modeller. It's mainly to show off what's possible with this plugin. If there are any skilled 3D artists out there who want to collaborate with me to bring a truly customisable uncensor to HS2/AI Girl, then please get in touch! I have other ideas for customisation as well, such as having a colourable pussy texture, and I'd also love to get input from artists on what other features to add.

Aside from the included Puffy Beaver,  the plugin can configure the shape of z_ddaa33's pregnant belly uncensor. 

Finally, you can now configure default values for which clothes should hide the beaver, which will be applied when you load an outfit that doesn't have any beaver information stored. They're all disabled by default, but I recommend enabling panties and pantyhose.

Requirements: You must have the Uncensor Selector plugin version 3.9.0 or newer.

Update v1.2.1: reduced the Uncensor Selector requirement to version 3.9.0 to allow the Beaver Plugin to be used with uncensors that don't work on newer Uncensor Selector versions.

Download for HS2

Download for AI Girl

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Camera Clip Controller for HS2 Studio NEO

 I had forgotten to post the HS2 version of the camera clipping plugin I made for AI girl. 

It works exactly the same as the AI girl version you can read about here.

Download here.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Character loader plugin 1.2

 The Character Loader plugin for HS2 and AI Girl has been updated to play nicely with related mods.

  1. If you have the plugin HS2WearCustom/AIWearCustom by GarryWu installed, you can use that plugin's feature to load elements of a character separately through the Character Loader
    Combined with the Character Loader variants feature this makes it easy to have loads of alternative looks for your characters.
  2. There's a new mod config option to turn off the folder list in the character maker, if you prefer to use another mod such as BrowserFolders for your folder organization needs.

Saturday, 8 August 2020

SceneLoader plugin for AI Girl and Honey Select 2 StudioNEO V2

This plugin is an adaptation of the Character Loader plugin, inspired by the BetterSceneLoader plugin for Honey Select. It has folder support for Studio scenes and a more convenient interface for browsing scene files. Find the "SceneLoader" button in the "system" menu to open the window. 

The folder list works a bit differently than in Character Loader. It always shows the subfolders directly inside the Studio/Scene folder, for quick access to the most important folders. You can navigate to other folders using the folder icons that show up in the main scene list.

The folder to show when the window opens for the first time is configurable in the Mod Config Panel.

Download for AI Girl

Download for HS2

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Bugfixes and AI Girl updates

This release includes a fix for the Gravure bug that mixed up the Pantyhose and Gloves buttons, and fixes a nullref at startup for Beaver. It also brings the AI Girl versions of Gravure and CharLoader up to date with the Honey Select 2 versions.

AI girl downloads
HS2 downloads

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Straight 2 Maker plugin for Honey Select 2

This small mod will skip the title screen and load straight into the female character creator when you start Honey Select 2. It's mainly for Studio users who only load the main HS2 game to edit characters. You can still access the title screen menu by exiting the character creator as normal.

Download here

Monday, 6 July 2020

HSUS scaling support in Gravuve and Character Loader plugins

I've tweaked the UI elements in the Character Loader and Gravure plugins so that they no longer go crazy if you've enabled UI scaling in the excellent HSUS plugin by Joan6694. In the process I managed to delete the Gravure UI so I had to recreate it from scratch, which is why it looks a bit different. Real pro move. 😆

Character Loader download

Gravure download

Monday, 15 June 2020

MoveController plugin for Honey Select 2

I've ported the MoveController to HS2 Studio NEOV2. It works the same as the AI girl version you can read about here.

Download here 

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Character Loader 1.0.2 for AI Girl and Honey Select 2

This small update to the Character Loader plugin fixes a bug that prevented the user from loading a character that was registered in-game.

Download for AI Girl

Download for Honey Select 2

Monday, 8 June 2020

Honey Select 2 Plugin Releases!

I've ported the PushUp, Beaver, Gravure and Character Loader plugins to Honey Select 2. They are pretty much identical to the AI Girl versions. The only exception is Gravure, which gets a new feature, the "< Animation >" control. Click and drag the mouse on this panel to advance or reverse the animation of the current pose. It's a nice way to find the exact pose you want for your shot in a long animation.

Like in AI Girl, the Character Loader only supports folders in the maker and studio. I'm hoping to add folder support for the main game in the next version of the plugin.

All of these plugins require BepInEx and HS2API. PushUp requires HS2ABMX.

Some of you may notice that most of the files are named "*AI.dll". It turns out that it's more trouble than it's worth to have different file names when you want to build the same plugin for different games, so to keep things simple I decided not to change any plugin file names. Think of it as paying respects to the historical origin of these plugins.

Downloads here

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Honey Select 2 is out!

Honey Select 2 has just been released, and as expected the character maker is pretty much identical to AI Girl, with some improvements and a bunch of cool new costumes.

When a modding API for HS2 is available I plan to port my AI Girl plugins to HS2, starting with the PushUp and Beaver plugins. Since the games have so much in common I hope it won't take much to get the plugins working in HS2.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Character Loader for AI Girl 1.0.1

This small update to the Character Loader plugin fixes a bug that caused a crash when trying to change characters in the main game. It also adds a config option to change how many character cards to display per row in the StudioNEOV2 character loader window.

Download here

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Character Loader plugin 1.0 for AI Girl

The Character Loader plugin adds a nice visual list of character cards to StudioNEO2. It lets you load characters from folders, and also organise variants of a character for easy access. Open this window by clicking the new "Characters" button in the "Add" menu. Full support for both males and females.

The plugin also adds a folder list to the character maker.

 Use the new "Save Variant" button to save the character you are editing as a variant of the character selected in the list. It will be saved in the folder \Variants\<Character name> and appear in the Variants list in the studio window when you select that character.

Variants are organized by name, so if you have two characters with the same name they will share variants.

If you like this plugin and decide you don't need the default "Girls" and "Boys" menus anymore, there is a mod config option to remove them,

and make your Add menu look like this;

EDIT: Download link to old version removed, get the latest one here!

Sunday, 10 May 2020

PushUp plugin 2.0 for AI Girl

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Sunday, 29 March 2020

MoveControllerAI v. 1.5.1

Here's small update to the Move Controller for AI Girl.

There's just one new feature, Quick Resize: Press the right mouse button on the "Move XZ" panel and drag the mouse left or right to shrink/enlarge the currently selected object. Nice for fast size-adjustments to make an object fit better as you position it.

There are also some bugfixes that eliminates some persistent log error messages at startup. Thanks to ManlyMarco for finding the fix for these bugs.

Download here!

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Gravure plugin v 1.2

The new version of the Gravure plugin for AI girl has a small new button: "Set all colors", that will set all colors for a piece of clothing with multiple color options to the same value. 

Download here.

I've also uploaded the source code, find it here!

Saturday, 4 January 2020

Gravure Plugin v1.1

This version of the Gravure plugin adds a new feature, a control panel to adjust a character's clothing state and a few other parameters in the character maker.

It also lets you use the Gravure poses from the Studio in the maker. It's a nice tool for making more interesting cards for your characters. Bring up the panel by pressing the [G] key.

Download here

And that's the last from me for a while! I'll be away for most of January so don't expect any new posts for some time. Cheers, and remember to be nice to your characters!

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Gravure plugin for AI Girl

When you have posed a nice picture of a character for a card, you don't want to redo it just because you've slightly tweaked the character. This plugin adds a new button to the AI girl character maker that lets you overwrite a character card with new data while keeping the image.